Saturday, October 29, 2005

the update

I'm sure most of you have stopped clicking on my link because it's been so damn long since I posted. For which I apologize, but yes, Matt, you were right, things have been busy.

So, first the update on the busyness, then the tag (thanks Susie!).

Things at work:

Last week the executive director of the Center for the Homeless (a very outgoing, rather scattered man in his early thirties) approached me and said, "So you've been here for about six months, and I wanted to check on you and see how things are going...and to ask if there was anything else at the Center you'd be interested in doing."

Thinking he was after me to get more involved in extra-work activities, I said, "Can I ask what you had in mind?"

To which he replied, "Administrative coordinator."

And I sort of reeled for half a second (oh wow, he meant what other JOB?) and said, "Okay. What's involved with that?"

So pretty much I'd be his personal assistant, lots of secretarial work (phone calls, filing, organizing his schedule, reminding him of all his tasks) and some extra organizing activities, plus a role as the guy's right-hand gal able to advise him on ideas. Frankly, running to get a guy's coffee (which I doubt I'd have to do) doesn't knock my socks off, but on the other hand I would get to meet EVERYONE (because this guy knows EVERYONE in South Bend), so it would be a huge networking opportunity, and a launching pad toward any career in the community that I would want. There's also a ten to twenty percent pay raise involved (v. good), and I would get to wear nice clothes again, interact with adults, learn all there is to know about the inner workings of the Center (satisfying my life drive to know everything), and help make decisions.

I've been getting stressed and burned out on the children front -- the kids I most love are turning three and leaving the program soon, and really when it comes down to it what I love about my current position is the administrative and development aspect, not so much the day to day grind of wiping snotty noses, cleaning dirty asses, and maintaining a ridiculously patient persona. So this looks like a perfect opportunity.

And naturally I've been losing sleep over it, because Boss Meg is burning out too and this is a heavy blow to her. We're an amazing partnership, think along the same lines, complement each other's strengths, have the same sense of humor, and it's going to be extremely hard to let that go. Also to yield up some of my professional independence.

But I think it's the next right thing.

And I'm going to have to satisfy the tag in a later post; the parental units are visiting this weekend (which is wonderful and also another reason I've been insanely busy, up late every night cleaning) and I want to spend time with them.

Oo, Linds, since you asked -- I had taken a nearly year-long hiatus on writing (sad) -- the last thing I'd really written was that half-baked poem I posted in July -- but the other weekend I sat down and wrote a new fragment for my Clytemnestra project. And it felt wonderful. When I talked to Dr. Price at homecoming he remembered the project and asked after it, and said, "You really need to write that. It has legs." Which pretty neatly bolstered my confidence. Anyway, it's once again a work in progress.

Anything new to send me?


la persona said...

You've been working for six months and you've already got a raise and a promotion? You go girl!

lvs said...

Ooo, yes, I do. Three things in revision right now and so many bubbling in my head, I just wish I had time to get them out. Will send something along soon. :-) Miss you.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....