Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Happy Wm Had a Headache Day, everyone!

So I've been caught in a swirl of lethargy and forgot about this grand holiday almost completely; hence the no blogvertisements.

BUT this year WHHD went international! Yes, a dedicated group of people headed up by the incomparable Laura and Glen held their celebrations in the great nation of Canada. It can only go up from here!

If you forgot to celebrate last night with plenty of toasts and poetry, there's still time! Have a mimosa for breakfast; have a beer at lunch; have a glass of wine with dinner. Or, since those things probably won't give you a headache now, konk yourself on the noggin with an Acme hammer.

Here's to Wm's longwinded verse! Here's to all the poets who followed and proved themselves better! Here's to Murphy's Irish Red and WHHD celebrations in a South Bend blizzard, where the plows only come out once it's stopped snowing!


Yax said...

I confess, turnout was lower than I anticipated due to inclement weather, but WHHD was officially celebrated here in Indiana the Lesser. I'm excited that there was an international contingent. Happy William Had a Headache Day to you as well!

The Prufroquette said...


(Our turnout wasn't bad, considering. I was proud of our dedicated drinkers.)

Music Trades said...

Ohhhhh, gosh, you've justified my entire week. You hear that, everyone from the other night? I WAS OBSERVING A HOLIDAY! Thanks, Wm!

When the morning, most treacherous, came
I was rendered so grievously lame
I could scarce lift my head
And I've taken to bed
And I can't seem to spell out my name.

- Wm.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....