Wednesday, September 05, 2007

under new york lock and key

I've heard it said before that my apartment door looks like it belongs in New York. With its latch lock, deadbolt, and chain, it presents a practical puzzle that generally befuddles first-time visitors attempting to leave (or second-, or third-, or fourth-time visitors too...). The door at the bottom of the stairs has its own separate lock as well, requiring a total of three individual keys to gain access to my apartment -- a fun juggling enterprise when I come home laden with grocery bags.

But all that's changed. Now it's even more complicated. Because now there's a deadbolt at the bottom of the stairs as well. So I have to have FOUR keys to get into my apartment, and wow, is it grand.

Actually it lightens my mind a bit. Shady characters tend to haunt the house, and the deadbolt secures the door a lot better than the flimsy lock that was already in place.

Let's just hope I never have to get inside in a hurry.

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