I’m sick. I have no brilliance, and barely even any lack thereof, to share with the ether. My mental capacity, my sinus contents and my phone battery are all draining away like the concept of American democracy and all I want to do is creep home and pull the covers over my head.
Fortunately I’m on the bus heading gradually in that direction. Unfortunately the only person having a loud cell phone conversation decided to sit right behind me. To the likely benefit of my sense of self as a decent person, this cold-borne lethargy has me suspended between the collapse of my social filters that usually restrain me from going full aggressor on people who piss me off, and the collapse of any internal wherewithal to act on any of it, so I’m pretty much left staring angrily at my lap and trying to bully my over-agitated brain into ignoring all the extra stimuli around me since my body can do fuck-all about it right now anyway.
Does this even count as a post? Do I even care? Why am I not in bed right this fucking second? Everything is stupid. Including this post.
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