Monday, January 01, 2007

2006 in review

Job switches: 2
Apartments: 1
Trips to visit family: 3
Visits from family: 3
Pets gained: 1
Traffic accidents: 0
Dates: 3
Boyfriends: 0
Friends lost: 7
Friends gained: 2
Musicians discovered: 7
TV shows discovered: 3
Spiritual awakenings: 1
Domestic skills acquired: 5
Bad habits quit: 1
Pounds lost: 17
Heartbreaks: 2
Old hurts partially resolved: 2
Trips to the hospital: 4
Great ground-breaking works of fiction written: 0
Journals filled: 1

Conclusions: I dislike the number 6. It was a tough year. But it looks like I came out even.


Captain Sensible said...

May 2007 bring the following one-off addition to your review:

Husbands gained: 1

The Prufroquette said...

LOL, thanks! I'd be just as happy with a smaller step, but what the hey, we can dream big, right?

On second thought I think my parents would freak at having to prepare a wedding that fast, particularly with my sister's upcoming wedding in (of all places) the Caribbean. (I'm thinking small wedding, short ceremony, small church on the Contintental United States myself, when that event occurs; I like simple.) In light of all that, perhaps we'll keep the dreams hopeful but a little smaller.

The Prufroquette said...

No, screw it, you're right. That would be great! And I'm going to hold out for it.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....