Thursday, June 22, 2006

lend me your ears

I am resigning my position at the Center.

Send me your e-mail addresses and I'll tell you all about it.


AE said...

Evan said...

la persona said...

oh my

i sent you mine via e-mail, subject line "!!"

btw, I am resigning my sociajob too ... this would make the second time for me, but this time's for real. I figure 2 years in, I've paid my dues -- time to move on.

Yax said...

Hmmm, I was just about to ask you for your e-mail. I'm going to send something to what I think is your e-mail address, and if you get it, then you will have my address as well.

Beth said...

Music Trades said...

Marianne said...

Forget the homeless! There was never any money to be made in that dead-end job!

lvs said...

Jennifer said...

Laura Farina said...

Oh no...what happened?

AE said...

neil, why did you post it that way?

Yax said...

I believe he posted it that way to prevent automated scripts from harvesting his address and spamming it.

So if I put yaxley at gmail dot com, a human being can tell what it is, but spambots can't.

slb said...

none said...

just saw this! You have my e-mail... hope you're doing well.

Anonymous said...

It's been a long time since I've updated my blog reading ... gwnichols AT saintmarieswireless DOT com

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....