Tuesday, June 12, 2007

the daily grind

I just found the end of a pretzel I'd been looking for this morning. In a rage of hunger I was chowing down on pretzel roddy goodness when Boss-Man came up to the front office needing copies of something made, so I hastily swallowed pretzel powder and threw the rest of the pretzel somewhere on the desk and pretended I wasn't eating anything on the job. (Not that he cares. He eyed me with the stern glare of a sumo wrestling coach this morning and demanded to know if I'm eating, and informed me that he wants me to gain thirty pounds. I'm not turning into Elephant Girl to suit you, I retorted.) But still, unprofessional. "How bay I hep oo?" "Waw ovvice. Coudoo hold pweeze?" So I lost the rest of my snack, but there it is, next to the typewriter. Now, however, it has become by definition "gross" and must be thrown away.

Things at work are vastly improving thanks to the magical appearance of COMPETENT PART TIME HELP. It's like -- it's like -- springtime in spring. (And if you don't know what a miracle that is, come visit me in northern Indiana/southwest Michigan in April.) It's the unexpected bliss of things happening when and how they're supposed to. I didn't know such a wonder could be.

And, better yet, I'm getting this amazing little gem called MY OWN OFFICE. Yes, my own office. Four walls. A door (sort of. The door is upstairs somewhere). The big copier. My favorite typewriter. Drawers. Shelves. Cupboards. My Own Space. A place to work. The receptionist will answer the bulk of the phone calls, deal with walk-in clients, and the intake of new clients.

And I will be able to do my actual job. Drawing up documents. Organizing files. Keeping an eagle eye on deadlines. Learning more about law to be a better right hand to the Boss-Man.

I actually look forward to going to work these last couple of weeks. For a while it was horrible with the old incompetent help, and then it was stressful with no help at all, and then it was the letdown and fallout from not having to be stressed anymore, and now it's evening out. The new gal is fantastic and really enjoyable, fun to talk to, and fits right in. On top of being competent, smart and efficient.

Vast sigh of relief.

I need another pretzel.


none said...

Yay! That's awesome news about the job Sarah. I've never had my own office before.

Music Trades said...

You can have MY 30 pounds. No? Aw, come on. It would make your boss happy.

Congrats on the office!

The Prufroquette said...

Hahaha. I keep demonstrating to the Boss the art of daughterly manipulation -- the wide little-girl eyes, the quavering lip, the small sad voice -- when he wants me to do something I don't want to do. I keep threatening to teach it to HIS adult daughter, who's never mastered the skill.

Last night he threatened to make me work late, and I put on the Nermal face and hung my head and looked at him out of the corner of my eye and said in a very little voice, "Well, I mean, I -- I wanted to go out and play in the sun, but -- but if you want me to stay inside and get all depressed and lose more weight, I -- th-that's fine, I -- I can do that."

"Oh, that's COLD," Boss-Man said.

I burst out laughing.

My poor dad. :)

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....