Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer Salad

Boss-Lady passed this one on to me -- a nice twist on a mix we've made in my family for years. I really can't get enough of it. (But if you don't like cottage cheese, you won't be fond of this.)

In a medium to large bowl, combine:

Large container small curd, good quality cottage cheese
1/2 cucumber, chopped
1 fresh tomato, chopped
1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
2-3 generous dollops mayonnaise
lemon juice, to taste
salt and ground black pepper, to taste.

Refrigerate several hours to allow the onion to flavor the mixture through.

(Variation: Add sliced green olives.)

1 comment:

none said...

I love cottage cheese, but I never add things to it. I'll eat it on crackers or bread, but that's it. But I may try this; it sounds odd (to me), but I trust your culinary skills/palate. :)

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