Monday, May 23, 2005

Monday exhaustion

Pretty bad when you wake up tired, but that's Monday, I guess.

Also pretty bad when you know the parents of the children whom it is your job to watch and teach haven't been putting their children to bed at all over the weekend, so Mondays are needlessly emotional with tired kids.

However, I prayed a lot more than usual today and got through it much better than I otherwise would have.

I have discovered a new love: avocados. This would be thanks to MP, who would occasionally salt one and have it for dinner. I followed suit tonight. Aldi (some things never change) has avocados for 79 cents in Indiana, and I take advantage of that whenever I can. I've been having tacos the past few days (Okay, so I'm not eating the same meal for a week anymore, but honestly, what is one girl trying to lose weight to do with an entire pound of ground beef?) and chopping a bit of avocado on top seals the tastefulicious deal.

Most of the boxes are cleared out of the living room by now, and many of the ones in my bedroom as well. This weekend I have THE ENTIRE WEEKEND OFF and I intend to spend it as I spent yesterday: sleeping and cleaning. As soon as everything is put in order, I'm going to paint my apartment. Sage green and taupe in the bedroom, sage green and white in the bathroom, avocado green in the kitchen, and ___________ in the living room (this one I still haven't figured out). Naturally I love green. This should be fun; a facet of home improvement that I've never tried before.

All right, I'm tired, so I'm going to pop in Monsters, Inc. -- the movie I watch to relax.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like to cut an avocado in half, pull the pit, and fill the hole with salsa.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....