Sunday, May 22, 2005

i'm back!

At last, at long long last...

So much for a cleaner apartment.

Georges is going to Lebanon for the summer to learn Arabic, but has said he would e-mail, which gave me the final push to get on the phone with tech support and figure the darn thing out. I'm giving myself clever points for calling them on a Sunday, since my groundline phone won't work and I can only use my cell, so that today's phone call to SBC was free.

Today was the first day off I've had since I moved, and I spent it emptying boxes in my bedroom and napping. There's still something magical about a nap when you're exhausted. It's discouraging sometimes how quickly a carefully maintained sleep schedule goes to pot -- a week ago I was well-rested, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed; due to three nights of later-than-usual bedtimes I am suddenly worn to a frazzle and barely able to keep walking around at my second job. So this day off, and this magical nap, were just what the body needed.

I am so glad to have the Internet back.


Yax said...

And the Internet is glad to have you back.

Anonymous said...

i missed sarah p.

lvs said...

where HAVE you been my darling.

Beth said...

I missed you too!
(Just one day of being back, and you already have all these comments. How does it feel to be adored?)

The Prufroquette said...

Pretty good, thanks for asking. ;)

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....