The move went amazingly well, due in large part to how hard I worked moving nearly everything that I could carry myself beforehand, due in almost as large a part to how hard my parents worked to move all the rest and clean the apartment (my mom is the cleaning queen, the old apartment looked fabulous when we left), and due also to the large pickup truck and the five wonderful church people who came to move the heavy furniture. That part -- the moving of Heavy Things -- took only an hour and a half on Saturday afternoon.
Mom and Dad left last night, which was hard, but I didn't spend the night in tears as I had expected, and I woke up eager to walk into my kitchen and savor the quietness of an old neighborhood and an old house.
So everything is going well.
W. Tim didn't come to the move, but not because he didn't offer. Unfortunately for him, by the time he called to tell me he was lost getting to my old place, everything was already moved into the new place and there was nothing for him to help with. So I sent the poor guy back home with thanks for making the effort.
See kids, the thing is, I don't date as a way to get to know people. I don't think that that form of dating is wrong; it just doesn't mesh well with my personality. I recognize that this means I am pretty much screwed at least for the next few years, but I have plans to be really involved with church and community as a way to meet people who like to do things to help others. I have always found dates to be painfully awkward, so I'd better find some activities where I would have to get to know people, so that any dating that takes place won't be with a total stranger.
The other thing is, I don't want particularly to be friends with W. Tim. So I don't want to call him. I don't expect him to call me either, unless he wants to, which he doesn't seem to. Everything he says to me is carefully noncommittal, so he can take his uncertainty and his control and make up his mind elsewhere. Frankly, I find him attractive but I'm not sure there's much personality there. He doesn't read. He's "smooth," which I've always mistrusted (I'll take blunt and down-to-earth and honest, thank you), and there's very little for us to talk about.
So as far as I'm concerned he's no longer an element in my life.
And I'm going to go, as I'm using the internet at work!
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The Year of More and Less
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glad to hear your moved in. hope work is well.
lots of love
Wonderful post and wonderful news. I am glad you are doing well and that you haven't lost your ability to give not-so-subtle subtle hints about unsolicited advice. Cheers.
Not that you couldn't use a few of those hints yourself, J. Morgan Caler.
Sorry, I am a bit unclear what it is that you are talking about la mendola. Care to elaborate and/or clarify?
Word on dating. Word.
I've been so bad at going out on dates for so long that I've pretty much come to the conclusion that I'm completely undatable (so much so that I have to make up a word to properly describe it).
Unfortunately the only activites that are occuring in my life this summer are weddings (8 to be precise). So that's gonna a big uplift to my spirits.
Glad to see that things are well and you enjoy your apartment.
DJM to JMC: I say anyone comfortable enough to post personal sagas on public mediums should be comfortable enough to handle public response.
If I'm not mistaken, your comment was in reference to my pointed remarks on so-called "Wretched Tim." For the record, your not-so-subtle subtle hint about your disdain for such remarks strikes me as rather inconsistent. If you're going to be snide, at least don't deride snidery in the same breath. I find that fairly ironic. I have read whole posts on other blogs devoted to blasting your own unwelcome and unapologetically arrogant remarks.
And that, my fellow blogger, is what I meant by what I said. Clear enough?
No, strange and convoluted, la mendola. So let me be clear, and perhaps self-indicting, by way of giving some unsolicited advice: any attempt at the sophisticated use of language ought be left up to those of us who understand its form, function, and mechanisms. That said, I will offer yet more unsolicited advice: don't conflate commentary with advice. I am not in that business and not a single comment, sans this comment, left on a single blog is anything of the sort. So before you write yet another bizarre and vacuous post, learn to discipline your use of our common language and your faculties of conceptual differentiation.
Oh dear. Here I find myself in an awkward position. I just wanted to express to any of you who may have at some point (via blog or in person) been involved in a verbal contest with my dear husband...
it is clear that what is going on here is that many of us are so intimitated by J.Morgan's strong presence in any discussion, that when he says anything that could be remotely interpreted as controversial/sarcastic/rude, we automatically freak out and get all defensive.
That is really unnecessary.
In my humble opinion, the worst offense in human relations is the attribution of motive by an outsider who is not in a position to assess motive.
Whoa, suddenly there are a lot of weird wars going on on my blog.
Stop it. I appreciate everyone's affection and commentary, but wow...more than half the reason I don't usually post on sensitive issues is that I like my blog to be a happy place. (And, of course, I like to talk about myself.)
I love you all, and yes, for the record, that includes Mr. Caler. Josh, I don't take anything you say seriously unless it's about certain aspects of the faith; in my opinion your comments are funny and tongue-in-cheek and I enjoy them.
I enjoy eveyone else's comments; it's always good to hear from Joey, Mair, Allan, Neil, Lindsay, Stacy, MP, Rica, Gare, Dan, and everyone else. Just please don't fight amongst yourselves here in plain view; it distresses me.
I typed this whole thing with a colicky baby on my hip.
Love to all!
A couple of thoughts (or so):
1. I know enough about the English language to know how to break it to make a point. I know enough about human behavior to know when it unwittingly contradicts itself.
2. That said, I admit that in giving J. a taste of his own medicine, I received a large spoonful as well.
3. Thus, in the interest of Sarah, I will refrain from future commentary of the same. I would also like to say that, despite my playful teasing here, I truly respect the choices you have made regarding guys. I comment in jest because as you know, you were my favorite uber-feminist at the Grove. Though your philosophy has changed with time (as mine did), it is still as thoughtful as ever. The unfortunate thing that frustrates me to no end is that the great worthy men of the world still don't get it. You're a prize, to be sure, and settling for anything less is unwarrented. I have full confidence that a wonderful knight in shining armor--or whatever he looks like--is bound to arrive and will treat you in a way that will put these other clueless blokes to shame.
I wish you well with your new life in the Midwest. It's really not so bad once you get used to it. I've had my fair share of bad apples (one of which followed me from Hopeman to down the block), but I see a light on the horizon. The metaphor is mixed, but hopefully you get the idea. Life is only bound to go up from here.
Thanks for blogging & many congrats on the new job & apartment. I can see myself in so much of what you write.
Peace and so long-
that Mendola girl
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