Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I never thought I'd say this but...

I have become crazed about Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Okay, yes, I've always had a thing for vampires. More than a thing. When Laura and I were little, we had dozens and dozens of pretending games, and "Vampire and Werewolf" was one of them. I was always the vampire and she was always the werewolf. Interview with the Vampire is one of my favorite movies (although Anne Rice is a pretty terrible author). And then when Robin McKinley's newest novel, Sunshine, came out a year and a half ago, about vampires, I thought I was going to come out of my skin with happiness.

But somehow I never got into Buffy. Call it the corny effects, or the fact that as an impressionable adolescent, I was never allowed to watch anything remotely creepy. And then I thought myself far too elevated in taste to descend to the level of Sarah Michelle Geiller.

Until now. Until Leigh Ann started writing me e-mails about how much she loved the show and how interesting it was from a Lacanian perspective. (If you like Lacan, you'll love Kristeva...) And until I came home for my vacation to sit on couches for days watching episodes of Buffy and falling comletely, laughingly in love with the show against the better angels of my nature.

It doesn't hurt that Angel is so freaking hot.

(And I'm listening to my mom yell at one of the cats for being on the counter...in our household, "yelling" constitutes the offending pet hearing, "Bad kitty!" We're so strict and Naziesque.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really, now. Buffy is the a classic for the modern times. And I'm serious about this.
Just do yourself a favor, dear, and quit watching before the series jumps the shark (I'll save you the burden of figuring out when this happens, and tell you it's the all-musical episode in the 6th season :) )
And hell yeah, Angel is hot :) Why you think they gave him his own series? :)

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....