Tuesday, August 02, 2005

six amazing things

1. I cooked two meals in one week. Two scrumptious, excellent meals. (My God, you say. Yes. I can cook.) I love my vegetarian cookbook so much that I was motivated yesterday, in one hundred degree weather (at least in my apartment) to heat my oven to 400 degrees to bake eggplant for curry. (Which was the most delicious thing I think I've ever eaten in my LIFE.)

2. Leign Ann is coming up this weekend.

3. Leigh Ann is coming up this weekend!!

4. So is Shelley!

5. Fabulously, I have weekend plans that can easily include two good friends, to make it look like I have a life in South Bend. And to give them a good old time: a James Thurber play at the Civic Theater (a block away from my apartment), a night at the St. Joseph ("St. Joe") County Fair, church (Chris-with-a-House!), and Sunday brunch at the Fiddler's.

6. I got to talk to Colette today. (Ex-boyfriend Slightly Psycho Kevin has been hanging around a lot controlling her time. Jerk.) Yesterday morning when I shut the door at the bottom of the stairs to go to work she stuck her head out the door with a huge grin and came running over. (Life at the house I live in is a combination of Days and Friends.)

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