Monday, July 27, 2009

words in shining armor

As a general rule, I hold video and computer games in contempt. (Sorry, all my gamer friends out there.) But as I surfed through all the free apps on my phone, I conceded to take a glance at the available games.

Oo. Tic Tac Toe. Chess!

Once upon a time I was great at chess. Sixth grade champion at my school. Made the boys crazy (with frustration only, sadly). My sister always beat me, which pissed me off; but she's good at strategy.

I knew I'd grown pretty bad at it, so when I turned on the app for the first time I set the difficulty level to low and prepared to face the AI.

And I learned something.

I suck at chess.

I mean SUCK. Of course it doesn't help that it's only 2-D, but that excuse only goes so far. The trouble is that I don't strategize at all. I sort of wing it, go with my gut -- which is no way to win at chess (although it's worked a few times). It's fun, but this morning the suckage level had reached epidemic proportions and I was starting to feel angry and a little dumb.

I turned off the app, blew out a long frustrated breath and stared at the ceiling for a second. Then I grinned, tapped the Hangman icon and proceeded to kick ass.

It's not even about having a broad vocabulary (though that doesn't hurt). It's more about knowing how words are constructed, and remembering all the latinate prefixes and suffixes. Some of the words I've gotten I don't even know (which is awesome).

So...nyah nyah nah nyah nyah, chess.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the very reason I love medical terminology so much. Everyone should take a course. Once you understand the core prefix and suffixes you can understand just about any medical condition! Doctors begin to make sense. A whole world opens up!

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....