Monday, April 24, 2006

making waves

Radio waves!

Yesterday saw the annual Homeward Bound 5K walk to end homelessness in South Bend, IN. Several of my coworkers and I were present to walk, and partway through a gentleman just ahead of us turned and asked us if we'd like to go on the air for the radio station he was representing when he did his twenty-minute check-in.

Of course we said, YES! So he handed the phone off to me, and I got to explain the point of the walk, saying something like, "We're walking through some neighborhoods right now, and looking at the lovely houses really drives home the point of what we're doing. Hundreds and hundreds of people in our own community don't have a roof over their heads or a place to call home on any given day in the year. The average age of a homeless person in America right now is nine years old, and we're walking to raise money to make sure people have a safe place to raise their families."

The dude's general manager called a few minutes later to say how clear I sounded. Anyway, the guy works for a Christian radio station that reaches around 30 counties, and I was terribly excited to make the contact. The Center for the Homeless, not itself a faith-based organization, is working more this year to establish connections with faith-based organizations, which basically exist to help such places as ours.

So hopefully we have a new business relationship -- and I got to hand out, for the first time, my very own card!

So the summer finds me getting more excited about my job, and loving what I do here and why I do it. Which is good, because I just signed a two-year lease for my apartment this weekend.


none said...

That's awesome sbp! I did the Walk for Hunger in Boston last year, which is a similar event (raises money for foodbanks and shelters), except it was 20 miles and nearly killed me. haha. It was the day before final exams senior year so I didn't really make time to limber up with training walks. Anyway, sounds like a good time, and that's so cool that you got to spread the word about it on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Sarah, it's Mom! Glad you made it on the radio.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....