Do you hear that, Monday? I give up. I surrender. I will slink through your corridors with my head meekly down and try to stay out of your way. I will keep my gloves off and my fists tucked in my pockets. I will wear a raincoat and a suit of armor. But I'm out of the boxing ring. You win.
Because my right uppercut is nasty, but Monday's left hook is worse.
Last Monday and the Monday before it were hell. I spent each minute writhing in internal agony. There was definite gnashing of teeth. This one isn't too much better -- after a weekend of nonstop activity (however pleasant, nonstop activity just plumb wears me out) and one missed dose of my antidepressant, I woke up with that never-ending headache and an exhaustion that would drop a bear.
Fortunately my visit to the new doctor went very well. I was favorably impressed with his personable professionalism, his brisk pace, and his apparently instant understanding of my headaches and allergies. I am now on a daily preventative migraine medication, and am armed with a stronger dosage of the as-needed migraine meds I already had (because the bad days will come. I get that; even on an anti-d, I get what I call Bad Head Days), and am going back on my old, beloved, faithful allergy medication that I had to stop taking after college because I had zero/crappy health insurance. Yay!
The phones are ringing off the hook at work, I have no time to get my other tasks accomplished, and everyone who calls has been saving up all their panic over the bad things that happened to them on the weekend to pour into my ear today. Which is fine; a lot of these people have to deal with some serious crap, and I don't mind being a listening ear. It's just hard to do the juggling act.
But I did have it out with my sworn enemy, FedEx (oh yeah -- their incompetence with an auction incident regarding the Center last year was on the list of Bogus Reasons For Letting Me Go -- I spent WEEKS on the phone tracking a Huge Expensive Package that they, oh yes, lost, which became somehow my fault -- because I'm in charge of a nationwide company's royal screwup in losing Muhammad Ali memorabilia in Utah), about an invoice for an item we never shipped. The package was sent from somewhere in Texas to somewhere in Texas (we've never done business with anyone in Texas) by someone who's never worked at my office. And I won that round. So that's a feather in my hide-from-Monday camo cap.
I've been making some huge life decisions this weekend, and I think I'm finally finding some direction in my What Do I Do With My Life dilemma, which has been plaguing me for three years now, so I'm terribly excited about that. It means another year or two in the Bend, and then...possibilities. It also means I'm going to be getting a lot more involved at church, and writing a whole lot more.
And with that teaser, I bid my faithful audience (whoever remains) adieu for the remainder of Monday. I have to put on my Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak and duck out into the hall.
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The Year of More and Less
Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....
The past two Sundays, I've gone with the boss-man to a nearby shooting range and learned to handle a gun. For those of you who know me f...
So I've been caught in a swirl of lethargy and forgot about this grand holiday almost completely; hence the no blogvertisements. BUT thi...
So. The last two weeks have been a flurry of interactions with men. Older ones. And I've come out of it still single, and glad. The m...
so, what kind of direction have you found in your What Do I Do With My Life dilemma? your faithful audience is dying to know!
ps - 12/30/07 ... If you're spending Christmas in Erie (I think that's where your folks are from, if I remember correctly?), and you think you might be able to mosey out to Lancaster the following weekend for a certain nuptial, then save the date.
you're going to seminary!!!!! I'm guessing of course ... but that's what it sounds like. Anyway, I remain your faithful reader. One day, you need to hard copy publish your blog, make it gender nuetural and market it as a guide to surviving the first years out of college ,.. for angsty grovers .... or what ever.
Beth: *SQUEAL!* I'll see what I can do!
Allan: You totally pegged it. I haven't worked out everything yet (for instance, I don't know about attaining an actual ordination; I strongly dislike administration, so I don't see myself heading up an entire church), and it will be a year or two before I actually attend, but that's what I'm going to be working toward.
And I'm so excited!!!
This is anne hartman! I sat down tonight to write a letter to Sonia and ended up blog-surfing instead... and came across you. Strange, because this afternoon when I signed onto hotmail, it had for some reason switched my inbox to reverse chronological order, which meant that an email from you was in the top few.
Weird. Anyway. I'd love to hear more about life, the universe, and everything. I just started blogging at I hope this finds you well...
as ever,
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