Wednesday, March 28, 2007


After three consecutive days at the Animal ER (I have now met all the rotating physicians and most of the assistants and they know my cat and my voice), Simon's systems seem to be in mostly working order. He had a urinary blockage, so they had to catheterize and flush him out, and then he wouldn't use the litterbox at all, so last night I had to lock him in my bedroom with the litterbox and a bowl of water until he peed. But this morning he did his business as usual, so I think everything's going to pan out (haha), and now I'm just left to recover from the exhaustion of the headaches and a weekend of no sleep and stress and worry about the cat and the finances.

I've been holding up fairly well under it all -- it's taken me until today to start getting irritable, which is pretty remarkable. Simon has a follow-up with the regular vet on Saturday, and I've been seeing my doctors here in town about the headaches, which continue to a lesser degree, and which we still suppose are mainly sinus-infection-related (nasssty, evil, longlasting sinus infection), so hopefully after a couple of weeks I'll have more or less fully recovered.

In the meantime...damn, I'm tired. I think it's time to do what the Momster suggested awhile back, and switch for the time being to Styrofoam bowls and paper plates, because I just don't freaking have the energy to wash dishes. Sad, very sad.

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