Friday, October 12, 2007

Final Arrangements


I have so much to do.

I'm on hold right now getting all my utilities changed over. My boss has to look over my lease before I sign it. I need to finish inventing a document for my current landlord to sign so that the lease is officially terminated. I have to do a frick-ton of packing tonight and tomorrow before everything is ready to go. The cat threw up this morning. I'm exhausted but a walking bundle of nervous impatient energy.

I wish the auto-sales-voice on the hold line would SHUT. UP.

I'm going to try to get the afternoon off work to take care of all this stuff.

Why don't I have more beefy male friends?


lvs said...

God, moving is SO ANNOYING!

Dan and I are pretty little people, but we can be quite handy with moving furniture. If you have one more person to help you, you should be fine.

Good luck!

Yax said...

I wish I could help you move, but sadly we do not live in the same Indiana.

It's a shame too. I have a lot of experience to offer in the realm of maneuvering awkward pieces of furniture through small doors.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....