Saturday, October 27, 2007

moving along the ground

Figuring a few things out, which I think is good. I've been feeling directionless -- not jobwise, but lifewise (because sometimes the two are different things). I think I have a few, not real answers, but suggestions, like signposts or a compass needle that I finally (but only maybe) understand how to read.

Also, life without the internet at home has been goading me back to a mental chowing down on books -- one can only watch so much TV on DVD, however excellent the shows. Oo and pushing me back toward writing. Very exciting.

There are parts of me that I feel like I'm getting back. It's a kind of...relief. An easing in the tension. And it makes the aloneness not matter as much.

Every once in awhile these lyrics run through my head:

Joy at the start
fear in the journey
joy in the coming home
A part of the heart
gets lost in the learning
somewhere along the road.

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