Tuesday, October 16, 2007

forgetful jones

Anyone remember those skits from Sesame Street? The old, classic Sesame Street of our growing up years, I mean, not that mindless crap they put on now.

I got a call from my old landlord last night, who said, "I have something of yours that you probably really want...does Grove City College ring a bell?"

Yes, folks. I forgot my diploma.

I started laughing. The ONE THING I neglected to take with me was my college degree. I remembered everything else -- the curtain rods, the nails in the walls, even the drain trap from the bathtub. But I left my diploma.

Well, I always leave something behind on any trip I take, so why start making exceptions now? MP is kindly holding onto the proof of my BA in English until she returns from fall break.

And in the meantime, I have my study/library almost all set up (Joy! Rapture!). Boss-Man sent me home from work early yesterday to sleep, because I was the picture of Walking Death Exhaustion, and I woke up early this morning feeling rested. Still tired, but the muscles aren't as achey and I can do things like sit down and walk up stairs.

I think I might be able, for the first time since leaving home for college, to get up early and rediscover my inner morning person. I've been missing her. And a lot of joy is coming from the fact that I only have a three-minute drive to work now. That takes a lot of strain and rush out of my morning routine. Delightful.

And Simon is his cute kitty self. Out of all the boxes I have, he managed to dig out his catnip toy and bite holes all through the bag before I got home yesterday, which I found amusing: My cat is unpacked (and for himself) before I am.

On to work!

1 comment:

LRuggiero_temp said...

That is the best thing to forget unintentionally ever. I laughed so hard!

The Year of More and Less

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