Thursday, October 04, 2007

good things come...


Yup. Got the house. Got out of current lease. Got new house.

And am moving in Next Weekend.

Um, holy fricking crap, I am going to be so fricking busy these next ten days.

All you readers out there who started praying, I owe you more gratitude and thanks than I can express. In forty-eight hours things have completely, and I mean completely, turned around. Unbelievable. Almost miraculous.

I will now be living three and a half minutes from work. I will have my own backyard.

I'm so relieved and, yes, shocked, that I came down with an instant migraine. Hahahahaha. Wouldn't you know it.


none said...

YAY!!!!! I ma so happy for you. Sorry I haven't called yet... having a rough week.

The Prufroquette said...

Oh no! What's going on? Do YOU need a phone call? I'm going to be flying around starting to pack, but I can call you once I start attacking my bookshelves, if you can benefit from a chat!

Yax said...

Yay! That is such good news for you. About the house, not the migraine.

And I certainly don't envy you the task of packing up books. But I hope your new place is nice.

none said...

nothing in particular going on... just behind in my studying, so I can hardly seem to spare a moment for anyone. I'm fine. Just tired. And battling horrid sinus headaches. You've got a big weekend ahead of you; I hope it all goes smoothly!

The Prufroquette said...

Don't I know it. I'm already so tired I can hardly stand it. It's the shock, you know? Monday I hit the breaking point with the way everything was in my current apartment; Tuesday everything was broken and I was totally crying out; Wednesday was the humongous explosion where everything started not just to shift but HEAVE; Thursday everything was settled; today I'm exhausted.

I'm sorry you're behind in things -- I admire you so much for your faithfulness in carrying out your calling, however frustrating it gets to be -- and remember, "He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus"!

You're the best, my friend! We'll catch up one of these days. :)

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....