Thursday, April 09, 2009

just for fun

April Villanelle

I tried to paint my toenails salmon pink.
I blended red and cotton candy hues.
It wore right off; I don't know what to think.

I stubbed my toe so fast I couldn't blink
and viewed the gooey smudge with tight-lipped rue.
So much for painting toenails salmon pink.

I tried again. The heavily sweet stink
of acetone made breathing hard to do.
I felt a little high, and couldn't think.

While one coat dried I wandered to the sink
to fill a glass with water. Feeling blue
I thought again of toenails painted pink.

I longed for summer sun, the lake's dark ink
and sandy toenails flashing, chromed and new...
the thought wore off, in winter hard to think.

I wondered, next day, if I'd reached the brink
with all my efforts ravaged by tight shoes.
I tried to paint my toenails salmon pink --
It wore right off; I hate the world, I think.


none said...

I love this. :)

I painted my toenails pink this week in anticipation of wearing my new peeptoe shoes.. I'm wearing them today, and they look so cute. My fingernails, however... I never manage to paint those without immediately smudging them.

The Prufroquette said...

I always have something on my toenails, even in winter...Granted, I allow them to get a little more faded and ragged around the edges in winter, but I hate (my) bare toenails...they look like naked mole rats.

Usually they don't give me trouble, but lately...DANG, however long I dry them, they get all messed-up and nasty after one day in shoes.

Conversely to the way I maintain my toes, I never paint my fingernails. I can't do them tidily, and when they have layers of polish on them, they can't breathe. I hate that suffocated plasticky feeling on the digits most used to explore and define my physical universe.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....