Wednesday, September 07, 2005

planning tracks for the grove

So I'm still sick, home from work actually, which wasn't as difficult to achieve as I'd always thought. Meg and I were worried about me infecting the kids, so we called Boss-Boss Beth who got very agitated on our behalf and came up with half a million ideas for helpers and substitutes over the next few days.

"Everyone gets sick," she fumed. "You ought to have a substitute. And you both are taking a vacation at Christmastime. I'm ordering you!"

Well. All righty then. So today the symptoms are milder and I am (if you can believe it) all Buffy' and Angel'd out. I've watched almost the entire fourth season of B and the first season of A for the past five days straight. My brains began sloshing about in my skull last night, so I decided to call a TV-free day today and do things like blog and wash dishes and listen to George Winston and Chopin.

So. Homecoming. Once again, due to the finances of travel, I faced the difficult decision between the North East Wine Fest (the weekend prior to Homecoming) and Homecoming at Grove City. The Wine Fest has infinite charm (and infinite wine), but the Grove has old friends with whom I seldom have the opportunity to connect. So, friends trumped wine and I'm planning to make tracks for the Grove in a few weeks.

I also think this is the last year I can crash in someone's room. After this I won't know anybody who's still attending, so friends, if we make plans for Homecoming next year, why don't we make them way in advance so we can reserve a cheap motel room cheap?


Evan said...

Great! I'll be at homecoming as well. Don't know how many days I will be there, maybe just one.

Let's do something.

Yax said...

Awesome! I can't wait to see you. Although I feel a little bad that you'll miss out on the wine, I think you made a good choice.

Music Trades said...

A noble choice. :-) Of course you can always go to Grove City and drink wine WITH friends.

I'll definitely be there if I can find a place to stay for free - and the chances of that are looking up, I think.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....