Sunday, December 10, 2006

please, no more

This was the ninth full day of constant headache.

I had back problems in high school that led to terrible, unceasing pain for nearly a year. I was taking Lortab, I wore a back brace, and could only wear awful men's jeans because the brace eliminated my waist. I felt generally miserable, I cried as I did all my classwork at school, held the tears back when I was actually in company with people, and got to the point where my friends whispered strategies among themselves for getting me to smile.

It's starting to feel like a paler shade of that. I can only concentrate partially on what people are saying. My mental alertness is diminished. I'm annoying myself with my slowed responses.

And above all, it hurts. It hurts no matter what.

Time to find a chiropractor, I guess.

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