Saturday, December 09, 2006

sing a song of sixpence

So, my doctor surmises that my intense headache (still not gone, though I'm no longer staying home from work -- being at home all the time with no one to talk to is boooooooooring) stems from my spinal problems. I don't know why it didn't occur to me before. While I was on my parents' insurance, I had regular chiropractic adjustments to help me deal with a genetic condition (I have an extra vertebra...and, yup, it's cracked) and the neck injuries I received from at least three car accidents in which I, the passenger, hit my head on the door. But I haven't had anyone help me with my back and neck in two and a half years.

You may think chiropractors are crap, but I've found them helpful. I just haven't had chiro-practical (HAHAHAHA) insurance until now. So hopefully I can do something about it. Because this headache sucks.

Meanwhile through unforeseen circumstances (i.e. a clerical error) I find that my health savings account, which I began while I worked at the Center, contains considerably more money than I had anticipated. I have taken all the appropriate legal measures to rectify the situation, with the result that the extra money is mine to keep. Now I can get new glasses (worsening eyesight is, I'm sure, also contributing to The Headache That Will Not Die) and pay an outstanding doctor's bill from October, when I needed a stronger dosage of antidepressants to continue dealing with the stressors of the year.

I love how things work out. And I find, through no efforts of my own, that I have a little more than a pocketful of rye with which to care for my health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're living in an old house or apartment, you may want to consider that, too. I don't know if I told you about the debilitating (i.e. emergency room requiring) migraine I had when I lived in Pittsburgh, but had a terrible E.R. experience to boot. Well, as soon as I moved into the boathouse apartment, they moved away. (Although this was also the same time I quit my job at the theatre ...) I can't help but wonder if I was exposed to some kind of spores or mold in such an old, dank house which may have accelerated any problems which lay latent inside. (I also have numerous back and joint problems which we commiserated on during the Elvis Costello/Emmylou Harris concert, remember?)

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....