Friday, August 15, 2008

the pills stopped working

(This is actually a pretty funny song by Hem on their album Funnel Cloud.)

I've fallen under the tiredness of the dead these past couple of weeks, and I blame it on a minor switch in medication. The old pill had some rather unpleasant cyclical side effects (I'm talking hormone therapy here -- not antidepressants; those are working fine) which led me to seek the switch to something different, but the something different contains a lower hormone dosage and I just don't think it's workin' on my head space here. I've had indications most of my postpubescent life that my hormones are pretty strong, and I think they're reasserting their strength without the appropriate reins.

So I'm going back to the old one. I should probably consult the doc again before I switch it up, but all the medical changes I've made in the past year have been the suggestions that I made to my doctor(s), not new revelations which they bestowed upon me, and I've been right every time. So why spend the money? (Yes, SG, and I'm sorry. I'm cheap.)

If it comes down to it, I'd rather experience a week of physical unpleasantness every month than three weeks of Bad Head Days. No contest.

In the meantime...YAAWWWN...where's the coffee?

1 comment:

The Prufroquette said...

Upon a listen-through (I hadn't in awhile) the song is more depressing than funny -- but depressing in a bitterly cheerful way, so I suppose I meant ironic.

In actuality, this is pretty bad. I'm glad it's almost the weekend. My eyes feel a little too big for their sockets and my head is kind of cloudy.


The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....