Friday, August 22, 2008


It's been a week of Mondays and I can't wait to go to sleep tonight. Can't. Wait. The handyman is coming early tomorrow to take a look at the tub faucet in the bathroom -- a few weeks ago the tab that converts the bath to the shower fell out, so I've had to regress to the age of two in order to get clean. (Simon finds this new process fascinating. I don't know what it is about the tub that he loves so much.) But things do come full circle: When I first moved in, I could only take a shower.

I'm not looking forward to lurching to the door in pajamas and scary hair to let Dave in at eight o'clock tomorrow, but after he's gone I can go back to bed.

In other news, I ordered Black Sun, Kristeva's work on melancholia and depression. I've wanted it for years but never felt I could justify the purchase. Now, however, I'm thrilled to add it to my library. I can't wait to read what my favorite thinker has to say about the subject (the excerpt available on the Amazon website was phenomenal), and it's about time I did something with my brain besides set it down in front of every TV show I own.

I just wish I had it now. Even expedited shipping is too slow.


Yax said...

Let me know what you think of Black Sun. I love Kristeva, but her writing is some of the most difficult I've ever read, and I don't think that just because of the translation.

The Prufroquette said...

I got it! I got it! Hooray!!

I'll let you know what I think as I get into it. The intro is BRILLIANT -- omigosh, I'm so excited. I stood in the office after I opened it, staring at it and lovingly planing its cover like I would the face of a beloved child.

I feel like my brain has been stagnating, rotting, and I think Julia is just the thing I need to sharpen me back again.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....