Tuesday, August 12, 2008

the secret place

So exhausted. In this particular professional dance of monkey chasing weasel, I'm not the cobbler's bench. I'm the monkey AND the weasel. And maybe the cobbler too. We're all very tired.

I'm envisioning a creek in the Allegheny Mountains of New York, winding through an obscure valley fifty miles from humanity. As the slopes of the mountains rise the deciduous trees predominate, but here it's all pine without undergrowth; ember-shaded needles swathe the ground beneath the trees, sharpening the emptiness and muffling all sound but the running of the creek and the rough cry, here and there, of the crows. It's an overcast early autumn afternoon, barely breezy, not too hot, and the clear-dark water reflects the deep fox colors of the boles, the secretive green of the branches, all shadow, with the quickened dart and drift of minnow wavering underneath.

I have come along the thin deer trail to the handbuilt wooden bridge lying low over the water. I'm sitting with my feet in the swift and frigid current, trying to catch the skips and rills from the half-risen rocks, resting my forehead on the stripped-bark rails of the bridge and feeling the slow cooling of my skin. I can finally think of nothing, here in the simple dusk of the pine-tree afternoon, surrounded by noises that have nothing to do with me, and in the empty solitude all I know is God.


Phil said...

Now envision designing and building a house just over that bridge.


Yax said...

I'm a little dismayed that such an oblique reference has caused said song to be stuck in my head.

That being said, I just finished listening to the unabridged Chronicles of Narnia audiobooks, and your post somehow puts me back in that frame of mind, so all is not lost.

The Prufroquette said...

Oooo, a House over Running Water...

How would such a house look? I'm no architect, but I picture lots of windows and a kitchen set facing the oncoming current. With what materials would you build? Wood? Stone? Both? Something new of which I've never heard? Lovely...

And Yax, I'm sorry, I didn't think of that stupid song till after I hit "publish," but then the only alternate title I could think of was "the hiding place," but Corrie Ten Boom has already covered that.

Oh well. At least there's the imagery.

Yax said...

I meant "Pop Goes the Weasel."

The Prufroquette said...

Oh, hahaha, well then I feel no remorse for that.

Jennifer said...


This was on HGTV... It was an amazingly cool house!

Jennifer said...

Sorry... Here's the full link


The Prufroquette said...

Neat! Although I must confess I kinda like the palace...talk about getting your daily workout just to get a midnight snack! You'd have it all worked off by the time you got up the stairs. And four-directional light in every room!

But the houses in the woods are my favorite. Trees, trees, trees...

Phil said...

Well, this is a good one...

And, it's in Pennsylvania. I've always wanted to visit.

The Prufroquette said...

Wow, that's GORGEOUS!

And ninety minutes from downtown Pittsburgh...haunting Pittsburgh as often as I did, how on EARTH have I never seen this house?

Absurd. Now I feel morally obligated to remedy this heretofore unknown failure.

AE said...

you know, growing up near Falling Water, I just never saw the point in visiting. I just thought everyone had already seen it.

Sarah, if you come to visit falling water, call me, and we'll make a day of it. .... or not ... whatever.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....