Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Wonderful weekend. Dustin and I lounged around watching Amadeus (excellent film -- if you haven't seen it, I recommend that you remedy that immediately), eating boeuf en daube and These Mashed Potatoes are So Creamy, hanging out, bebopping around and generally having a fantastic time.

And this week I have roses to savor (when I'm not home I have to lock them away from Simon, who has decided that his duty toward them is to eat them), a really wonderful card to read, and a mouthwatering cookbook to drool and dream and scheme over. It's the last cookbook I needed to complete my collection of most desired cuisines: Lebanese. And the recipes look so. good.

Sometime this week I must away 'ere close of day to find a pair of shoes and jewelry for the Symphonic excursion on Saturday. I can't wait. (For the excursion, that is. I don't mind shopping as much as I used to, but it's never been on my top 10 list of Things I'd Love to Do All Day.)

In other, slightly more erratic news, I keep getting sharp things under my fingernails that slice the nerve-ending-packed skin and hurt like the dickens. (What are the dickens? Why do they hurt?) Last night it was the edge of a toothbrush box that jammed itself under my middle fingernail like that was its purpose for being.

Currently I'm reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series for the first time and adoring it. I keep laughing aloud while reading. Pure quirky joy.

I have also discovered that I love the music of Death Cab for Cutie. While, sadly, I do not own any of their albums, I have the loveliness of Pandora to feed my new obsession.

Tonight is pizza at the parents', a young and rather irreverent church-related meeting, and clean sweaters.

Life is good.


Yax said...

The HHGttG series is my favorite book.

Have you gotten to the part with the Fuolornis Fire Dragons yet?

The Prufroquette said...

Not yet. I'm most of the way through The Restaurant at the End of the Galaxy. Loving it, though! It makes me so happy.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....