Friday, February 20, 2009

Shall I then beg Thee for a summer's day?

More snow. It's never going to stop. I woke up yesterday morning to a world re-dressed in white, icy roads, car accidents, smears of snow that always duck under the windshield wipers and keep me from seeing; today boasted winds of hurricane-type force which attempted with single-minded determination to throw my car off the road. (Plus I finally shaved my legs last night -- yeah, yeah, TMI, but men who are horrified don't know, and women who pretend to be horrified do, that I'm not alone in setting the Bic on a shelf for most of the winter. Anyway, having eliminated a nice natural layer of body heat entrapment in honor of the Symphony tomorrow, I am now freezing and wishing for an afghan. Though I freely confess that smooth skin is nicer.)

Color me bitter. This winter has been long. Sometimes I stare at my work PC's tropical desktop in the pure longing for hot weather and sunshine.

But I get to stick it to the elements in just over a week when Dustin and I escape south to Charlotte. We keep saying how we forgot the omnipresent heavy cloud cover in Western PA, and for my part, I'm starving for a little golden light. Something that isn't gray and seething with snow.

Plus, I miss the open road.

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