Friday, February 13, 2009


As I passed an open magazine at the office this morning, I noticed the word "Calgary" in the article and thought, "That's in Alberta, right?"

I don't know the capitals for most of the states in the US. But yet I know Calgary in connection with Alberta. I also know that Saskatchewan means "river that turns back on itself," or something equivalent. I have no idea what Susquehanna means, and that meaning would be much more relevant.

Ah well.

Last night I took advantage of Linnéa's visit and made chicken tinga, a hot'n'spicy chipotle dish. In my childhood years I loathed anything that stung the tongue, but now I love it (as long as it has flavor; atomic wings, for example, don't float my boat), and attribute my increased intestinal health of the past couple of years to a diet filled with more hot peppers. (Probably it's all in my head.)

I found the dish pleasantly full of kick, whooped a couple of times, blew my nose, washed my hands and helped myself to seconds. Linnéa looked over at me and said, "Sarah, I can't feel my mouth."

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The Year of More and Less

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