People can be so wonderful. The love of God exhibits itself -- or, more simply, God exhibits Himself -- everywhere. And I'm a sucker for that kind of protective compassion. If we can love hatchling birds in such spontaneous purity, surely we can love each other. And if we can love the weak and the helpless enough to guard their safety from all possible harm, though it materially benefits us nothing, how much more does God, who implanted that love in human hearts, guard us. Because we’re weak and helpless, because our fragile lives are miraculous, and because even in our young awkward greedy noisiness we are beautiful, because He made us, and we are His.
So God spreads His wings protectively over us, who spread our wings protectively over the mother birds, who spread their wings protectively over their young. It's all part of the same thing. All of creation is a set of nesting dolls held in the heart of an infinitely loving God.
hey, i texted you a dinner invite :-) also, thursday evening, beth lipton and her fiance and me and David are going out for a celebratory "passing Honors seminar" drink, if you would like to join :-)
not to stalk you or anything.
I accept!
The dinner invite, that is; my Thursday evening has been claimed by an annual event celebrating the birth of my father. Since this in its own indirect way celebrates the birth of me, I consider myself dedicated to said celebration.
But dinner! Yay!
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