Thursday, December 23, 2004

winter storm warning

About half an hour ago the snowfall was light and swirly and perfect "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" snow. Now it's coming down so thick the Abominable Snowmonster could come up and eat you and you wouldn't see him.

All of this would, of course, be perfect if I didn't have to drive through it tomorrow.

Christmas at the Sommervilles' might be abbreviated if this doesn't let up by tomorrow...which it's not supposed to. I don't care to drive three and a half hours to a strange place through all of this. Plan B is to drive early Christmas morning to get there by noon. Which would suck, but really as darling Jolly said at work the other day, "Honey, it's not worth your life."

Plan C is two or three invitations I've gotten to spend Christmas with various people I've met at work...some of whom I don't even know very well.

I might be going church-hopping again after the New Year...after more than a month at the South Bend Christian Reformed Church, I still feel like a stranger. Granted, my work schedule doesn't lend to my being very involved, but the people seem preoccupied and remote. Even more preoccupied and remote than I am. Like there's some club membership requirement I'm not aware of, and no one's telling me what it is. I have a better family at work, half of whom aren't Christians.

I didn't think I'd miss the evangelical church. But I do. Possibly because it's familiar. Possibly because it's a little warmer, a little more lively.

Okay, I'd better pack. I need to leave way early for work so that I can hopefully get all the fluids in my car checked before I get there.

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