Monday, January 10, 2005

of easy wind and downy flake

I love Erie in winter. People in South Bend talk about lake effect snow, but they're getting it second- or third-hand. Erie gets its lake effect snow right on, and it's about the loveliest snowfall I've ever seen anywhere. Plus, since everyone's driven in it for years, the driving makes so much more sense.

That's one of the best things about being back in Pennsylvania: the driving. I don't spend most of my time behind the wheel trying to tear out my hair. People don't brake through green lights and sit in the intersection. People use the passing lane to pass. People get over when you come up behind them. People gun it through yellow lights. It's great.

On another note, I treated myself to a new Virginia Woolf novel -- The Waves. I hate listing her as a favorite author because it seems pretentious, but I deeply love her novels. (Even if she is slightly out of vogue in the academic world. What do they know.) She writes so much truth in a beautiful way.

Errands to run today while the folks are at work. Oh yes, and the cats are so cute.

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