Four months cannot wipe away the occasional place-warp of living in a new region.
For instance... Explain to me a people who brake through green lights. Why, Indiana? Why? (It makes me want to lean out the window like Kat in Ten Things I Hate about You and yell "Remove head from sphincter, then drive!")
And why did I spend so much time learning to say "soda" when the first waitress who heard me ask what kinds of soda they had looked at me blankly until I amended it to pop? Seriously, where am I living? Even in Western PA people know what soda is, even if they opt not to use it as an active vocabulary term.
Well. All that aside, I am beginning to work on the necessary grad school application things...whew, the deadline is moving up! I hope I get in. I'm happy with my life as it is, but I really want back into academia.
And in two days, I'm taking a trip home.
Monday, January 03, 2005
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The Year of More and Less
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