Saturday, January 08, 2005

snowy pastures

Yay yay yay, I'm home, for the first time since mid-August.

My parents left the Christmas decorations up for me, since I missed Christmas, and they showered me with a ridiculous amount of gifts. I'll need a dolly to get everything up to my apartment. (They got me a TV. A flatscreen. Are they nuts?)

The drive over was great. I keep forgetting how much I love to drive on trips. Ironically this love was conditioned in college on weekend trips across Pennsylvania with my parents to visit my sister in the hospital. But I find that travelling is just as relaxing and interesting as the visit; it's time away from everything to be cocooned in a small space, look at a broader landscape, and be alone.

I love to be alone. Especially now that my job consists of being outgoing and smiley all day -- which I love -- but it's very very nice to closet myself in my room and burn candles (huzzah for being allowed to burn them again!) and read all my old favorite books.

I'm home.

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The Year of More and Less

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