Saturday, January 15, 2005

receiving a miracle

Wow, folks. My back is much much better. Usually it only improves with chiropractic assistance (yes, I know most people say chiropractors are quacks, but whatever, a good one is worth his weight in gold). This time it's getting better without such help, and with the normally harmful necessity of being on my feet for nine hours a day. I attribute this phenomenon to God's provision through prayer, a friend with stronger pain medication than mine, and walking instead of sitting around. (Thanks all.)

Funnily, the manwalk -- learned during Wind and the Willows for my role as the boistrous Otter -- has come in quite handy as a way to stabilize my hips and lower back. Hannah Fischer, you have proven to be, along with many other good things, a medical blessing.

And thanks be, I'm not broke.

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