Friday, April 08, 2005

and the search is on

Today is the day I call everyone I saw from viable-looking ads in the newspaper about unfurnished apartments. I'm hoping for five things: 1.) Private apartment in a house. 2.) Cats allowed. 3.) Decent neighborhood. 4.) Washer and dryer in the apartment. 5.) Affordable (as in no more than $500 a month, preferably $400-450).

I wouldn't normally put dollar amounts on my blog; I have this weird sense that such things are private; plus I know that all you East Coast dwellers reading my blog are hooting at how cheap that is. Out here in the Midwest, however, that's moderately expensive for a single person making my income. Especially paying my own utilities and internet, if that turns out to be the case.

Anyway, prayer is welcome and appreciated. I do have faith that since God gave me a job, He will also give me somewhere to live. I'm just looking at how little time I have left (till April 30th) and starting to panic.


Music Trades said...

Yes, I am hooting at how cheap that is. Like you wouldn't believe. Of course I'm not paying utilities, cable TV, or internet. Ah, the perks of having an older brother who works for an internet service provider.

Still, I'm madly envious. I need to leave this state. For real.

Anonymous said...

you may also want to try out ... if you sign a lease with an apartment you found on their site, they give you $100 ... it's weird, I know ... and I almost found my apartment on there ... until something popped up at the last minute.

wow ... too many ellipses ... whoops! there they are again ...


and i don't think you're cheap, i think you're realistic. i'm living on the east/mideast border and that seems like a very do-able price range (i somehow managed to score a 1-1/2 bedroom for $350 ... but, oh, does it live up to its cost. sigh)

lvs said...

I'm on right now looking for apartments (and roommates) in Raleigh... good luck to you too!

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....