Monday, April 11, 2005


That's why I'm moving.

I guess I forgot to mention some of the background particulars; Marianne is going home this summer, and rather than find some random person to live with (cheers to Lindsay for her practicality and courage) to cover her share of the rent, we're just packing up our bags and splitting ahead of time.

Plus, M wants a dog and I want a cat, and, as she says, "never the twain shall meet." We both like our kitchen space and our quiet, and although we have worked together extremely well as roommates, we're hermiting ourselves away like we've wanted to from the beginning. (At least, I believe I'm speaking for both of us. If not, she'll correct me.) This way we can pop over for coffee (or, in my case, I can pop over to her apartment for cable) and enjoy our own lives.

Anywho, she's leaving the first of May, which thus became my deadline also. So it was critical to have a place to live, and it looks like I've found it. If only I could find the receipt for the check I wrote putting a down payment on the first month's rent...

You never know.

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