Monday, April 18, 2005

le sigh

Well, the kitten died and the kids at work were awful. One of the mothers freaked out in the infant room over something totally unrelated to her baby, me, or my coworker. I am frazzled. This day was long.

Bright spot: the downstairs neighbor seems really nice. She shops at a health food store which closes at 7:00, and was on her way out when I showed up at 6:30 with a few small boxes of books. She invited me to accompany her (I had a Bible study meeting, so had to decline), and felt badly about leaving me to carry the books upstairs myself. I think I'm going to like being her neighbor. I think she's going to like being my neighbor too, since she and her boyfriend thought that the guy who used to live in my apartment was a drug dealer.

There are benefits to being quiet. Your neighbors will like you more readily.

I'm going to load a few more boxes of books into my van and then end this discouraging day by going to bed.


Mair said...

I'm sorry to hear about the kitten. May I suggest the SPCA, or some other animal rescue type place. Mr. Moses came from the pound, and he is just the most loving, kind animal I have ever known.

Music Trades said...

I second that. A couple years ago there was a feline population explosion in my parents' backyard, and some of them had to go to the animal shelter. I know I hoped someone like you would adopt the little guys (and gals).

lvs said...

I third the vote for humane societies or shelters - it's where Mr. Wally came from. :-)

Anonymous said...

economically, it's also more feasible to get a pet from a shelter ... usually it costs about $50, but they come fixed and with first vaccinations ... trust me when I say that trying to line all that up on your own can often be much more expensive.

Stacy said...

I've had a good shelter experience and a negative one, but still, it's the best way to go. Glad to see you in my part of town.

JMC said...

Wow... the opening of this post reminds me of the opening of L’Etranger. How depressing.

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....