Saturday, April 02, 2005

i've met my doppleganger

She is a rather quiet, almost-but-not-quite mousy-looking woman in her thirties who stopped in at Ann Taylor today to shop with her mother-in-law...which is really touching as her husband died last year and they're now really close. Anyway, as I was ringing and wrapping their purchase, the gal mentioned to her mother-in-law that she wanted to go see Sin City this weekend. I started chatting about how I would like to see it too and the visuals are supposed to be stunning, etc. The woman then went on to talk about how she had seen Van Helsing and it sucked, so we got to rant about that for awhile. She said Constantine wasn't as bad as V.H. especially considering that Keanu Reeves was in it. I said one of the aspects of Sin City that excited me was Jessica Alba's role; she knew who Jessica Alba was and we got to talk about Dark Angel. Then she randomly mentioned how cool it was that Tru Calling is back on TV after they'd cancelled it. She updated me on the two-hour premiere which I missed this past Wednesday.

Within a two-minute span of conversation, this woman mentioned several key highlights of my movie- and TV-watching pleasure. Granted, they're not the highest level of art (except Dark Angel, which is great -- a pox on Fox for cancelling it); however, most of my favorite works are of the weird sci-fi/anime/fantasy/cheesy romance genres. I haven't in a long time met many people who are as into that glorious crap as I am. (I don't know why I like Tru Calling; I foretold the end of the first season at the beginning of the third episode.)

Anyway, it was one of the better points of my work day. I'm drop-dead exhausted. Maybe that's why I didn't burst into flames or whatever you're supposed to do when you meet yourself.

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The Year of More and Less

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