Monday, April 18, 2005

the benders are restless

I was sitting here at my computer just a minute ago catching up on fellow Grovers' blogs (and totally envying them their weekend reunion....argh, I miss my alma mater! May I repeat that I never thought I would), when I heard a distant roaring that sounded like "WOLF creek, WOLF creek..."

I thought nothing of it. Reading about Grove happenings had me in a mindset to expect creekings and rumors of creekings (a Grove City tradition of dumping the male half of an engaged couple into the creek running through the lower end of campus, normally performed in springtime), but then my better sense kicked in and I thought, "Waaiiit a minute..."

Obviously no one is getting creeked in South Bend, Indiana. If someone is, then I've moved to an even weirder state than I thought. So that leaves a couple of things. Heavy traffic, and mob riots.

All is quiet on the northern front for now, but I think it behooves me to move a few more boxes of books to my new apartment, safely south of whatever strange stuff is going on at the border of Niles.


Mair said...

Ok - if you went back to the Grove and saw the creek, you would FLIP! Remember when, Brandon, Randy, you, Josh and I went to secure some memories of the grove of trees that used to stand alongside Pew??? Well, the current situation of the creek trumps that! It seems that some private citizen prick upstream put up some kind of dam. This, in addition to the breaking down of the dam across Main St., has left the creek in want for water. The bank now extends a good 5 feet farther, and it is a hopeless, sandy, muddy, debris cluttered site. My response was this: "Dick Jewell is the richest, most powerful man in Grove City!!! Why hasn't something been done about this??????" To that end, my husband and I may be drafting him a letter.

The Prufroquette said...

Ewww...imagine how it must smell in summer!!!

If my first love is for trees, my second is for bodies of water. Plus, we can't allow full-immersion creekings to be reduced to sprinklings!!

Could you send me a copy of the letter? You and J. Morgan always write the best letters.

E.A.P said...

Muddy, yucky creek not-withstanding, there was a creeking right around 15 minutes before the wedding we attended while at the Grove. Odd, huh? And slightly appropriate.

lvs said...

The creek was never outstanding, and now it's even worse. I think they should dry it out completely and make a speed skating track, prompting competitions akin to Rollerball. Would certainly put Grove City on the map. :-D

The Year of More and Less

Life continues apace. I like being in my late thirties. I have my shit roughly together. I'm more secure and confident in who I am....